Wednesday, June 9, 2010

New mobile advertising medium!!

In recent weeks Steve Jobs (the CEO for Apple) announced that his company was introducing a new form of mobile advertising that would destroy all other forms of existing mobile advertising because of the new added features of their service. He claims that their new mobile ad service called iAds will allow users to interact with the ads and will allow advertising firms to create much more complex and interesting adds that will be appealing to custommers. I want to wait and see if what CEO Steve Jobs says will hold to be true. But given apple's success in all of their business ventures I am inclined to believe they will reach their target. What do you think will happen?

look at the following link for details:


  1. I do think that this will help companies interact more with their consumers. This does seem similar to the "app" programs that they already have in place. Recently reported on a law firm created an "app" that helped users calculate the expenses associated with divorce.

    It would be interesting to see how this new program can go above and beyone the current "app" world in connecting consumers with brands.

  2. I think it will be a great success for apple, since they are the leaders in mobile technology with Iphone. Smartphones penetration is increasing year by year and in the future I think all will be managed (from communications to transactions) with mobile devices, so I think media advertising have to be prepared at the right time for taking advantage of this growth.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. many questions arise after we see an ad that we are interested in its offerings. I think such a tool would help both the companies and the consumer. For the consumer, the ads will be more informative and communicative. And for the company, i think they will shorten the time it takes from transforming potential people into buyers.

  5. I like this article, definitely shows a new way of advertising, A good example is google which changed the way to do advertise and right now is the main competitor of advertising agencies. In my opinion this iAd mobile advertising network will revolutionize the world of marketing, that’s why companies with high experience in marketing (AT & T, Best Buy and others) are betting this new tool. There are many achievements and paradigms that Apple did or changed and I think this will be another one.
